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A New Day for Knight Chiropractic

… for their branding and website, that is.

While Dr. Tim Knight has been practicing the latest techniques in no- and low-force chiropractic treatments since 1984 at his medical office in Arlington MA, his branding and website marketing were behind the times.

Dr. Tim wanted to refresh his brand with a new logo and website that did a better job of explaining chiropractic medicine. He wanted a website that was easy to navigate and told the story without too many words or medical terminology.  Lastly, he wanted his website to look current and professional with the latest user functionality.

Dr. Tim says, “We have found that people who understand their care make better informed choices about their care … and they respond better. At Knight Chiropractic, we provide several opportunities for learning about chiropractic and your health in general.”

Knight Chiropractic Website

Xhulio, co-founder of Rootless Agency said, “Knight Chiropractic is a wealth of information and educational resources that the public can make use of, and that fact needed to be on their website. 

“The office has a lending library with many books on varied health-related topics in addition to chiropractic topics. Informative pamphlets on various aspects of care are available for patients to read at home.”

Knight Chiropractic Website on iPad

Many people take advantage of chiropractic treatments, but there are those who don’t know what chiropractic is and may be timid about asking or taking the step to visit a chiropractor. It was Rootless Agency’s job to get the message out clearly.

Xhulio learned from Dr. Tim that people need to feel comfortable asking questions, but they also must know the right questions to ask. With the content on the new website, they get an understanding of chiropractic and are more confident asking questions about their own issues. 

What to Expect at Knight Chiropractic

The new Knight Chiropractic website outlines clearly and in detail, what new patients can expect at Knight Chiropractic from their first introductory visit, where a full medical history is taken, a thorough chiropractic exam is completed, and a complete explanation is given of how chiropractic care can help.

The second visit includes the presentation of the findings from the first visit, Recommendations are given, and the cost of care is explained thoroughly. 

This detail takes the unknown out of the picture so prospective patients know exactly what to expect. The website does the job of clearly and concisely explaining.

Family and Prenatal Care

A very important piece of information on the new Knight Chiropractic website is that Dr. Tim is a specialist in Pediatric care, directional non-force technique.

Dr. Tim says, “At Knight Chiropractic we recognize the birth experience is dramatic for all involved. We’ve had advanced training to help make expectant mothers more comfortable and at ease.”

Dr. Tim is certified in Webster Technique, a method directed toward improving pelvic function and reducing tension in the pelvis and lower back of pregnant patients, making for an easier birth process. Prenatal chiropractic care is a series of treatments that help with pregnancy-related issues, including pain, nausea, and insomnia. It helps to improve the wellbeing of both mother and baby.

This information is key in explaining Dr. Tim’s special skills in treating pregnant women with chiropractic. His care in this area may involve spinal adjustments, postural exercises, nutritional support, manual therapies, spinal decompression, massage, and posture coaching.

Knight Chiropractic Website on iPhone

Introduce Staff of Knight Chiropractic

The new website puts a personal spin on the professional side of things by introducing the staff, having interviewed them to get their own descriptions of what they do at Knight Chiropractic.

Learning the Back Story

When writing content for websites, it is crucial to spend time with the principals to learn precisely what they want to convey to their website readers. Dr. Tim explained, “At Knight Chiropractic, our philosophy is simple: The patient comes first.  Chiropractic care is a health care discipline that emphasizes the body’s self-healing, self-regulating properties … the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without drugs or surgery. We will work to get our patients out of pain and then emphasize a treatment plan that will strive for health and well-being going forward.”

If you are thinking of getting a website or updating your current one, give Rootless Agency a call at 508-293-1847 or schedule a call with us. Set up an appointment for a consultation so, together, you can strategize the design and content that will bring your marketing to a new level.


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